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Sandy Lyons Found
Her Way with the Patrol


When Sandy Lyons came to Sun City Summerlin after retiring, she, like many of us, was not familiar with the community.


“I was working as a dispatcher and doing a lot of other stuff,” Lyons said. “I asked one of the patrol drivers if he would teach me the community. He said yes and I did.”


She also found her role as a driver and Watch Commander was very rewarding and very helpful to the community.


“A husband was in the hospital and could not get a hold of his wife,” Lyons said. “As Watch Commander, I went to the house. I called her name. She answered. She had fallen. I called 911 and they came very quickly and took her to the hospital.


“On another occasion, a neighbor called early in the morning with an open garage door. As watch commander, I went to check on the resident. The neighbor went inside with me. We found her on the floor. The lady had passed so I called 911 and her daughter.”


“I love the patrol and everything we do,” Lyons says. “The volunteers are wonderful people and friends.”


She continues to be involved in a lot of different ways and is currently serving as Head of Special Events, making sure the Patrol has a presence at community events, like the market.


“I had so much fun at the shredding event,” Lyons says. “There were so many happy and grateful residents that appreciate what the patrol does. It made me so proud to be a patrol member.”


Sandy, who served as Chief of the Patrol for two terms, also works as a monitor at the Pinnacle fitness center.


Sandy was raised in Utah and married a Marine officer when she was 18. She moved to Las Vegas in 1973 where she raised two daughters. She is now a grandmother of three and a great-grandmother of three.


When she moved to Las Vegas, she worked as an Office Manager for a construction company. She was the only female and “was treated like a queen.”


She moved to Sun City after retiring from the construction company. And hasn’t regretted it.


Do you have a story to tell to patrol members, contact Ron Brow at

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